All through the night

Still sick. It hasn’t helped that the office’s router and firewall machine got hit by a cosmic ray or somthing — the disk was totally corrupt. So I spent all night last night rebuilding it.

On a lighter note, I watched Bend it like Beckham and The Core yesterday. Bend was, as someone said recently, pure joy from beginning to end.

And surprisingly The Core was somewhat of a ripping yarn, regardless of the fact that the science was completely bogus, and the design of the ship was determined by quantum plotodynamics (water launch?). There was just enough pretense of character development to just barely hold my interest. And there were a bunch of sci-fi and computing in-jokes. “Unobtainium”, forsooth. “Sixty-three computer fraud indictments.” “No, sixty-four.”

Note that the above paragraph does not imply any endorsement of aforementioned motion picture, nor will the author be held liable for wasted rental fees, etc. if gustibus is disputed.