Bill Whipple is back!
Here’s a math quiz for you:
During the 30-odd years he was in power, Saddam Hussein murdered at
least 300,000 of his own people. These are the ones we are finding in
mass graves in Iraq. Another 300,000 at least were killed in his war
with Iran and his two conflicts with the US. Those are bare-bones,
undeniable, non-speculative, minimums.
That darling arithmetic works out to no less than 20,000 people a year
killed by that lunatic, or about 1,700 people a month.
So how many innocent people have not died as a result of the Iraq war?
I get about 13,000 so far.
Thirteen thousand is about the size of a good basketball game. Perhaps
we can convince the Lakers to play a charity game against the Spurs,
say. Then we can put 13,000 Iraqi men, women and children into the
Staples Center, and make Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon, Tim
Robbins, Sean Penn, George Clooney, The Dixie Chicks, Janeane
Garofalo, end every single person who signed the Not in Our Name
petition kill those people in cold blood electrodes, acid baths or
shredders, to get the full effect, although the weak-stomached should
be allowed to merely shoot them in the back of the head.
Because that is exactly what would have happened if these people had
gotten their way.