Esperanta Legado

Mi aĉetis antaÅ­ kelkaj jaroj La Mastro de l’ Ringoj de J. R. R. Tolkien, kaj komencis legi ĝin. Sed estis malrapide, kaj ĝeniĝe, ĉar mi kutimas legi angle tre facile kaj flue. Sed dum la lastaj du aÅ­ tri semajnoj ŝajnas ke mi atingis novan lertnivelon, ĉar mi eblas legi multe pli rapide. AntaÅ­ nun mi apenaÅ­ sekvis la hobitojn for de la Provinco, sed ĉimomente oni restas en Rivendelo. Min amuzas esti pliboniganta mian lerton je iu temo. Prizorgi du infanoj malviglecigas min.

Exercises in translation

Over the summer I have been working on translating a short story from classical Greek to English. Some discussion and an excerpt are available at my new site The full story is available at Amazon or Smashwords.

—How, he says, shall we comprehend the kingdom of God, and by what analogy shall we illuminate it?

Like a mustard seed, which, when sown on the earth, is smaller than all the seeds on the earth, [but] when sown, rises up and becomes greater than all the [other] herbs, and grows branches so great that all the birds of the sky can roost in its shade.

Paschal Greeting

I led a brief multilingual Paschal Greeting in church this past Easter Sunday. When I was researching the greetings I found the Wikipedia article and various websites not very useful for getting actual pronunciations. With the help of more research and some native speakers I came up with the following list. The second line of each part is my attempt a phonetic transcription, and the third line is aimed at getting native English speakers as close as possible (for monolingual English speakers) to something resembling the actual pronunciation.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
[ kʰɹɐʲst ɪz ˈɹɪzn̩ hi ɪz ˈɹɪzn̩ ɪn.ˈdiːd ]
Kraist ihz RIH-zen! Hee ihz RIH-zen ihn-DEED!

Christ est ressuscité! Il est vraiment ressuscité!
[ kʀist ɛ ʀe.ˌˈte il ɛ ˈvʀɛ.mã ʀe.ˌˈte ]
Kreest ay ray-SÜÜ-see-TAY! Eel ay VREH-mahn ray-SÜÜ-see-TAY!

基督復活了! 他確實復活了!
[ kei˦˥ tɔk̚ ˥ fɔk̚ ˨ wʊt̚ ˨ liuː˩˨ taː˦ kɔk̚˦ sʌt̚˦ fɔk̚ ˨ wʊt̚ ˨ liuː˩˨ ]
GAY DOLK folk wuht leew! TAA KOLK SUT folk wuht leew!

¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado!
[ ˈkɾ a ɾe.ˌˈtaː.ðo ɛɱ βɛɾ.ˈɗaːð a ɾe.ˌˈtaː.ðo ]
KREES-to ah ray-SU-si-TA-dho! En ver-DADH ah ray-SU-si-TA-dho!

基督復活了! (Jīdū fùhuóle) 他確實復活了! (Tā quèshí fùhuóle)
[ tɕiː˥.tu˦ fu˥˩.xu̯ɔ˩˥.lɯ̯ʌ˧ tʰaː˦ tɕʰy̯œ˥˩.ʂi˩˥ fu˥˩.xu̯ɔ˩˥.lɯ̯ʌ˧ ]
CHEE-DOO FOo-khwO-luh! TAA CHwö-shI FOo-khwO-luh!

Christus ist auferstanden! Er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden!
[ ɪst ˌau̯f.eɐ̯ˤ.ˈʃtan.dɨn eɐ̯ˤ ɪst vaˤ.ˈhaf.tiç ˌau̯f.eɐ̯ˤ.ˈʃtan.dɨn ]
KREES-toos ihst AWF-eya-SHTAHN-den! Eya ihst vaa-HAHF-teekh AWF-eya-SHTAHN-den!

예수 부활 하셨네! 참으로 부활 하셨네!
[ ˈ ˈpu.ɸʷɐl ˈhaɕːjɔnːɛ ˈtɕɐm.u.ɾo ˈpu.ɸʷɐl ˈhaɕːjɔnːɛ ]
YAY-soo BOO-hwal HASS-yon-ne! CHAM-oo-ro BOO-hwal HASS-yon-ne!

!المسيح قام! حقاً قام
[ ɜl mɜ.ˈsiːʲħ qɑːm ˈħɐqː.ɐn qɑːm ]
El-ma-SEE-ehh QAHM! HHAQ-qan qahm!

Χριστός ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!
[ xɾi.ˈstɔs aˈnɛs.tiˈθɔːs aˈnɛs.ti ]
Hree-STOESS a-NESS-tee! A-lee-THOESS a-NESS-tee!

Noam Chomsky is like the Swamp King

When I first came here, this was all a swamp of structural linguistics. Everyone said I was daft to build a Universal Grammar on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show them.

First I built a Transformational Grammar. That sank into the swamp.

Then I built a Government and Binding. That fell over and sank into the swamp.

So I built a Minimalist Program. That burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp.

But Recursion stayed up!

Until that pesky Dan Everett came up out of the Amazonian swamp…

Apologies to Monty Python.