Let God sort ’em out

Den Beste has, as usual, a cogent and well-reasoned response to an email from Iran regarding his discussion of the American nuclear option.

Let’s see here:

Bin Laden’s goal was the conversion or destruction of America. Fortunately, he did not have the means to carry it out.

The US has had the means to do the equivalent for 50 years, folks. If the war-mongering cowboy Bush really wanted to win the war, he could make a phone call and every major Islamic city would be a glowing pile of rubble within the hour. So why are American kids dying needlessly in Iraq?

Think about that when people compare Bush to Hitler.

2 thoughts on “Let God sort ’em out”

  1. I wouldn’t compare Bush to Hitler, that was a completely different agenda. I genuinely believe that Bush, as misguided as he is, does not actually has genocide in mind. That said, I agree that sure, he could level ‘them heathens’ just as sure as Lockheed Martin builds missiles. Nevertheless, are the far (and near far_ left wingnuts really and reasonably drawing a strong parallel between a draft-dodgin’ baseball team-ownin’ baptist who’s got an axe to grind with Bin Laden, Saddam, Arafat, perhaps even our own head-locking take’em down Chretien? Just so’s we’re clear, yeah, I’m sittin’ way far off on south-pawed side of the political spectrum, but the Hitler thing falls flat with me.

  2. The Bush/Hitler comparison has been made many, many times recently, from anti-war protestors to prominent cultural figures (the “Sarandonistas”, as someone recently called them).

    Do you ever read Indymedia? (Be warned, it’s as “wretched [a] hive of scum an villany” as ever was.

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