We need a way to get off the planet.
The UK and the USA, once bastions of civil liberties, are becoming more and more totalitarian.
The UK is installing cameras in families’ homes, to monitor whether their kids are going to bed on time. But only the “worst” families. That’s all right, then.
George W. Bush (whose foreign policy I supported)’s vaguely Orwellian “Department of Homeland Security” was bad enough, but the current stifling of dissent by the Obama administration is chilling. It is all too clear that those liberals who professed fear that Bush would suspend the Constitution and civil liberties were simply projecting.
There has been a wide groundswell of grass-roots opposition to Obama’s 1400-page government expansion healthcare bill. Under Bush, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now, the Obama administration has set up an email address where people can inform on their neighbors who oppose the plan.
Now groups of administration supporters are denying concerned citizens access to town hall meetings, even to the point of physical violence.
Inform on your neighbors for disagreeing with the President. If you show up to tell your Congressperson your opinion, violent gangs of government thugs will beat your head in.
No wonder Obama won’t criticize Ahmadinejad.
The grand human experiment that began with the Magna Carta and culminated in the Declaration of Independence seems to be grounding on the shoals of corruption and the license that progressivism gives to those who crave power over others.
We need a way to move on out and start new afresh. Ad Astra!