
The little plaster angel in the flowerbed outside my window is always the first thing I see in the morning, when I study Arabic. هل هذا كلب؟ لا, ليس كلب. هل هذه قطة؟ نعم, انها قطة صغيرة جميلة (Mozilla doesn’t render the punctuation quite right on this).

Yesterday morning the row of cedars outside my window were covered with glistening spiderwebs. They’re still there this morning, but it’s not as foggy, so they don’t stand out so much.

A cute nursing student mistook me for a better dancer Friday night. I quickly disabused her of that notion. I really must re-learn the Lindy… There’s a new Shim-Sham song.

I visited my friends Asheya and Eric — a combination housewarming and birthday — and played four-on-a-couch with about twenty people.

Mom graduated with a Master of Education from SFU the other day. The highlight was the pipe band, as always.