Friday Five

About time I jumped on the bandwagon, I guess:

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.

This one’s difficult, as I don’t keep much food around. Dill pickles, Gatorade, salami, rye bread, gruyere.

2. Name five things in your freezer.

Even harder — I had to get up and check: ice cubes, a couple frozen dinners, a frozen pizza, Breyer’s traditional vanilla ice cream, extra lean ground beef, some salmon filets.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.

Trash bags, paper towels, phone books, a bottle of parrafin, a touch-up paint pen for my car.

4. Name five things around your computer.

A mug with snowmen on it, a spider plant in the last stages of dying from thirst, a stack of tech books, VFR aviation charts for Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, a world atlas.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.

A comprehensive camping first-aid kit, extra band-aids, contact solution, nail clippers, Effexor XR.

2 thoughts on “Friday Five”

  1. 1. Five things in our refrigerator: soy milk, cow’s milk and yogurt (because there’s still a dairy-eater in the house), peanut butter (made only from peanuts; astonishing!), lemon curd
    2. Five things in our freezer: slightly less than an eighth of a grass-fed cow, flour, grain-fed pork, turkey stock, banana bread
    3. Five things under our kitchen sink: dish soap, dishwasher detergent, garbage bin, dish rack, plant food.
    4. Five things around our computer: a printer with no ink, a printer with ink, stapler, program disks, a mischievous and somewhat annoying flexible blue plastic rabbit.
    5. Medicine cabinet??? plastic drinking cups, vitamins, Tylenol, Advil, Rolaids.

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