Orson Scott Card writes an excellent essay on the Church of Global Warming:
If you pay close attention, you’ll find that Global Warming alarmists are not actually saying “Global Warming” lately. No, nowadays it’s “Climate Change.” Do you know why?
Because for the past three years, global temperatures have been falling.
This battle of ideologies is an interesting one. I read the essay prepared to find an equally hard-headed the world is not in crisis. I actually liked what he had to say. He was logical and relatively dispassionate. While I think that cutting greenhouse gas emissions (and emissions of every sort) is a very good idea, and while I think that sustainability and leaving a small footprint on the planet is also a very good idea, I am suspicious of the blind passion that this issue seems to engender. I think we should be talking more about clean energy, non-toxic emissions, and sane use of natural resources rather than whining about global warming. Because if man is contributing to global warming, these are the sorts of changes that will help us do anything about it.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a laudable goal, but in order to do it, we need to completely transform our infrastructure.
I also really liked his thoughts on third world development.