What Goes Around Comes Around

The international courts in the Hague have lately been surrounded by a suspiciously anti-American aura, what with people constantly trying to prosecute Americans from the President on down to individual US soldiers, on the most specious of pretexts.

Now we’ll see what happens when people in actual free nations (including Canada, yay!) bring charges against a leader who gleefully and openly threatens real crimes against humanity, like, say, genocide with weapons of mass destruction:

[Outgoing US ambassador to the UN] Bolton will be joined in tomorrow’s launch of the legal action against Mr Ahmadinejad by a Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, and the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, Dore Gold, together with experts from the US, Canada and Israel. A suit will be lodged with the international court of justice at The Hague, which will decide whether to hear the action. The panel said the Iranian president was guilty of inciting genocide “by making numerous threats against the United States, calling for the destruction of Israel and instigating discrimination against Christians and Jews”. His words violate a 1948 UN genocide convention, to which Iran is a signatory, they said.

The “progressives” in the Hague have long been talking the talk. Now can they walk the walk?