Things are rapidly heating up in the Levant. There are reports that among the Hezbollah missiles striking Israeli targets are Iranian long-range Fajers, launched by Iranian personnel.
And of course the press sees no reason why the dastardly Jews would blockade Lebanon’s ports and destroy Beirut’s airports — the possibility that the peace-loving happy-go-lucky Hezbollah folks might want to import weapons — to replace the hundreds of missiles and artillery shells they’ve launched at Israel in the last few days — is obviously ludicrous.
(Note that I’m not an impartial observer here — I have good friends in Lebanon right now).
Israel says it intends to “break” Hezbollah. Good riddance, I say.
There are some bemusing and unusual factors: uncharacteristically, Egypt and Saudi Arabia (!) are blaming Syria for exacerbating the situation. Maybe Bush’s tough stance on terror states is making Mubarak uneasy about harming the American golden goose. Note that Egypt had already brokered a prisoner exchange when Hamas and Hezbollah upped the ante.
And over it all rises the specter of the Iranian bomb. Ahmedinejad has been promising for a while now an “explosion” and a “wave” that will finally wipe the Jews off the map. Through its clients it’s now involved Israel in a two-front war that could quickly grow to three, if Syria becomes openly involved. It’s a small step to a pretext for testing out its nice shiny new “peaceful” nuclear program.
And of course the Leftosphere is letting its anti-Semitism all hang out.
I enjoyed Steven Harper’s comments. He said something to the effect that it was a shame that Hizballah would launching rockets into Israel from territory that Israel voluntarily withdrew from several years ago, after claiming that this was why they occupied the territory in the first place. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.
Grrr. I just hope that it doesn’t become a world war.
Heh. Good for him.