To our neighbors to the south! When we lived in Liberia we’d celebrate Thanksgiving three times, once each for Liberia, Canada and the US.
Something I’m thankful for today is the easing of the temperature inversion that’s held steady here in Vancouver for the last week or so. Blue sky and sunshine are infinitely preferrable to pea-soup fog.
Pea soup and foghorns. It was eerie. You had an excellent post on translations “Not one point or Iota. It must have taken some preparation. Just wanted to let you know how much enjoyed it.
And talk about fog. I have the difinite impression that some churches around here will have to hire permanent bookbinders to prevent themselves from having to commit to making a decision about a pew Bible translation.
Sorry. Meant to write Suz
I’m not sure if my initial comment got lost but I just wanted to say that I am enjoying your blog. Especially the great post on translations.
Thanks! I’ve set up WordPress so that I have to approve comments from new people.
I just added a bunch of linguistics blogs that I read regularly to my blogroll, and yours was one of them.