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Update: things seem to be working, somewhat. If you happen to read this, could you try commenting, just for fun, please? Thanks.

5 thoughts on “Grr.”

  1. A very good article! I agree with you in most parts. Some people told me that the greek word for brothers (adelfos) sometimes has a neuter case ending, and that’s when it should be translated “brothers and sisters”. Do you know anything aobut that?


  2. You wrestled with the issues nicely, Gordon. I didn’t know about your blog until I spotted a link from it to my own Better Bibles Blog. Nice to see BBB in your blogroll. I’ve added you to mine. Keep telling the truth!

  3. Thanks, Wayne! I just recently discovered your site, and am greatly enjoying it. I hope the immoderate and hyperbolic tone of some of my rants isn’t too off-putting :-)

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