Employed in Useful Labour

Gentle readers,

It seems fit to continue the reanimation of Balafon.net with the news that I have been offered, and accepted, a job with a software company in Vancouver, doing work in biometrics and cryptography.

Those of you who put up with my whinging the last little while are due no end of thanks and appreciation. I’ll be having a party to celebrate soon; stay tuned.

6 thoughts on “Employed in Useful Labour”

  1. Congrats! We are both gainfully employed then. I just got my number and am on call all weekend.
    Wish I could come to the party.
    What are you going to do, other than be cryptic? :)

  2. Hey, congrats to you too! I’ll be mostly programming, I think. Not too much administration, I hope :-)

  3. Great news buddy. Very happy for you. Now, what exactly do you mean by ‘useful’ laboour?

  4. Hey,

    That’s great! I’m at the Library in the employment centre, working on my resume. I’m applying for Church Music positions today.

    Congrats on your new job!

  5. Thanks again, everyone! Phil – the “useful labour” phrase is from Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations.

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