The Imperial Boot-Heel

In today’s negativity quotient, we bring you the continuing Amerikkkan oppression of Iraq: the dastardly Yankees are forcing water, power and sewer lines, schools, hospitals, police and firemen on the poor iggerant Iraqis.

“A new Iraq was born, but it’s still an infant facing many risks and challenges. It needs help to grow. This is a task for the entire international community and in particular Arab states because, for better or for worse, what goes on in Iraq has an impact on the rest of the region and because generally Iraq has a role to play as an example for the rest of the Middle East. Personally, I think this impact is already playing out and I’m referring to Lebanon and Egypt, to elections in Saudi Arabia and more. I think Iraq’s future will be much better. I think democracy and pluralism will develop in an Iraq where everyone will be able to freely find fulfillment. In my opinion, compared to other countries in the region, Iraq will be able to experience great growth and a very sound economy, given the resources it has. Many Iraqi who expatriated will return to invest their money.”

   — Monsignor Louis Sako, Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Kirkuk