Vabek Nau Dhungu

Bor be ek sedut wer lo dhungu ge vap ek nau dhungu. In e:k me:nes be de vorem. Ge simep vin bel de. Non segi ek mej nom ek dhungu.

“In nedu bater deju, sanak du nom. Guan du mej dhe rek, mem in batar du: vol dhegon in batar de: deju. O ek diju at daru nedu dijun ban nedu…”

4 thoughts on “Vabek Nau Dhungu”

  1. Nope. It’s a constructed language I’m working on. The vocabulary is mostly Proto-Indo-European/Latin/Greek filtered through the language’s phonology. I’m experimenting to see if I can get away with a very simple grammar.

    Here’s a parse of the last paragraph:

    In nedu bater deju, sanak du nom.
    (LOC (D12 father) sky) (holy (D2 name))

    Guan du mej dhe rek,
    (come (D2 (PART place king)))

    Mem in batar du: vol deghon in batar de: deju.
    (same (LOC (accomplish (D2: will)) ground) (LOC (accomplish D3:) sky))

    O ek diju at daru nedu dijun ban nedu.
    (TDEF (D1 day) (DAT (give (D12 (day-V bread))) D12))

  2. Oh well, I tried. I’m afraid you are way over my head on this one. Again. Darn it.
    You’ll have to do some simple instruction on how you do this the next time we talk.

  3. Well, you could simply start making up a language, but if you don’t know anything about linguistics it’ll probably be just a code for English.

    But if you know something about how different languages handle the various parts of language (phonology, morphology, syntax, etc.), then you can pick and choose the methods you want to use in your language, and go from there.

    Some essays on this topic can be found at

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