The recent booting of Carolyn Parrish from the Liberal caucus notwithstanding, the general atmosphere of anti-Americanism in Ottawa doesn’t seem to be changing. Yet the Department of Defense remains the red-headed stepchild the Liberals seem to wish would spontaneously melt away, like the polar icecap just happens to be doing. What happens when the Northwest Passage is chock-full of leaky oil tankers, Spanish fishing fleets and southeast Asian pirates — while human sumgglees decide that all that empty land looks a lot nicer than the interior of a dank shipping container — and the Americans politely decline to continue the defense of the ungrateful no-longer-white North?
Or worse — I can think of half a dozen routes off the top of my head to smuggle a suitcase nuke from the north to the US without a great deal of trouble. So much for the world’s longest undefended border…