The Iraqi Opinion

Ali at Iraq the Model is clear on his opinion of Americans:

Like all Iraqis, I hate Americans. Of course. Here is why:

  • The Americans, although they brought us freedom, acted without authorisation from the United Nations. Arrogant Americans.
  • The Americans, although they rescued us from Saddam Hussein, defied the will of many nations. Insular Americans.
  • The Americans won’t leave Iraq, say newspaper reports. Get out, Americans!
  • Other newspaper reports say the Americans want to withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible after throwing us into chaos. Stay here, Americans!
  • The Americans spent tens of billions of dollars to liberate Iraq and help it become a prosperous democratic nation. Don’t Americans care more about fixing their own problems? Crazy Americans.
  • The Americans started this whole war because of oil. That is why fuel costs are at record high levels in the US and is cheaper than water in Iraq. Selfish Americans.
  • The Americans are not using the necessary force to keep Iraq safe and secured. Lazy Americans!
  • The Americans are also using excessive force in Iraq while dealing with the security problems. Brutal Americans!
  • The Americans support the Israeli terrorist government instead of the good peaceful people of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Says it all. Violent Americans.