I heard the phrase “total and utter disconnect from reality” applied to Bush the other day, and I could only think “takes one to know one”. I suppose if your only source of information is the major media you might actually have an excuse for this attitude.
Thank God for the blogosphere, is all I can say. Gigabytes of raw data, which you can filter yourself, unencumbered by the covert censorship of traditional media editing, which is made doubly perverse by the pretense of objectivity. Once you’ve read a few blog entries, you know exactly what the author’s biases are, and if you’re unsure about the facts of something, Google will soon deliver hundreds more sources for you to compare.
You really should be reading Lileks every day, but today’s bleat is an extra good one.
After the Gnat survives a grocery-cart accident, Lileks expresses the frustration that many people are feeling about, well, not really current events, but the media’s — and the anti-American world’s &mdash spin:
If anyone thinks Europe is “three or four more times as democratic as America” he is living in a dream world. A world where Russia lectures us about treatment of Muslim detainees, France is a model of nation-building, the Patriot act muzzles the press, and China is deeply concerned about the sovereignty of conquered nations.
If you want a far more accurate summary of current events than you’ll get from the traditional media, read Den Beste‘s recent post “The Truth Is…“.