Back to work. I made sure to get some serious relaxin’ this vacation. Kent and Carolyn were here, so I spent most of the time over at my parents’ place.
I decided to do something frivolous, creative, and totally unrelated to computers. So I made a kilt. I bought way too much fabric for it, so all three of us made kilts. Black kilts. Really hip black kilts. Carolyn had to show me how to use the sewing machine. We wore them to our traditional New Year’s Eve party with the Anonbys. Hijinks ensued.
K, C & I decided to be gym rats for the holiday, and for the most part we worked out every other day. I also did some work on my space sim.
It snowed a lot last week, and then a cold snap hit. I was skiing on Cypress Mountain on Sunday, and it was -20. Chilly, but the sun was shining and the moon was hanging just above a mountain, and you could see all of the city spread out below.
Happy New Year!
I’ve been informed by several people that wearing a kilt in Saskatchewan would be a serious no-no. (-: Cheers