Yet Another Orthography Reform

Taking a bit of a break since I just finished up a bunch of code. What better way to spend it than designing yet another English orthography reform?

Taeking a bit v a braek sins Ae just finishd up a bunc v koed. Wut betr wae too spend it dhan deziening yet anudhr Inglish orthografy reform?

Dh baesis for dhis wil bee mie oun aksent, wic iz moestly westrn kanaediun.

Vouwlz ar az foloes (funetikz in {SAMPA}):

ee      oo     ue /ju/
 i       eu     ou /{u/
ae  u   oe  +  oi /oj/
 e              or
 a   ie  o      ar ur

Konsunentz with difrent values ar:

dh /D/
zh /Z/
c /tS/

Sum roolz:

  • Dh defunit artikl iz ‘a’ or ‘an’.
  • Dh plural morfeem iz ‘z’, eevn wen dee-voisd.
  • Dh furst-pursn singuelr vurb ending iz ‘z’; dhis moetuvaetz dh speling v ‘iz’.
  • Dh past vurb ending iz ‘d’.
  • Voisd konsunentz mae funkshn az a feul silabl, with dh vouwl ‘u’, eksept for semi-vouwlz, wic rutaen ther vokalik kwolity.
  • Unstresd short vouwlz rutaen ther speling; unstresd long vouwlz ar sumtiemz ritn with ‘u’ (Ae’m unsatisfied with dh vouwl sistm; it needz mor wurk).
  • ‘Finggr’ and ‘longgr’ ar speld dhat wae for a reezn.
  • ‘T’ iz transkriebd ‘t’, noe matr wut itz funetik value.