Ten years ago I signed up for the Canadian bone marrow registry. Seems like a no-brainer, especially since a nephew-in-law of mine has recently survived leukemia by means of a bone marrow transplant.
This morning I got a call saying I was a potential donor. But it seems that a bit of atrial fibrillation in my medical history may prove a deal-breaker. I offered to sign a waiver; I should have just lied…
Update: October 14: the transplant centre rejected me. They didn’t tell me the reason, so it was either the atrial fib or the malaria.
Ugh. What is it Hercule Poirot says, “One should never lie to your priest, your doctor, and your private detective.”
Much love.
Seems the A-fib might not be a deal-breaker after all, but the malaria might…