Oh, the weather outside is frightful..

Not really.

A bit of snow this weekend, then just enough rain to wash it all away before it could turn into slush, then bright sun this morning. The mountains are now all properly covered in white.

The roads, though, are slicker than snake snot on silver. As Lileks says, this ought to make you have a “calm, hey-mon attitude”. Not in Vancouver!

The homeys in their boom-boom cars are slipping and sliding around, the volume of their stereos giving them an extra boost of slickness, the SUV drivers are charging ahead oblivious to the ditch awaiting them around the next curve, and I’m annoying people by adopting a Zenlike style: perfectly balanced on the cusp of exceeding rolling friction, using the minimum throttle and brake to stay on that line and keep far enough back from the driver ahead that when the idiot behind plows into me my insurance won’t get dinged.