A “Progressive” Movement I Can Heartily Endorse

A group of Leftists in England recently grew disenchanted with the hypocrisy and double standards of the anti-war movement, and have drafted the Euston Manifesto, which affirms a commitment to democracy and human rights for all people, including Iraqis and Americans:

We are democrats and progressives. We propose here a fresh political alignment. Many of us belong to the Left, but the principles that we set out are not exclusive. We reach out, rather, beyond the socialist Left towards egalitarian liberals and others of unambiguous democratic commitment. Indeed, the reconfiguration of progressive opinion that we aim for involves drawing a line between the forces of the Left that remain true to its authentic values, and currents that have lately shown themselves rather too flexible about these values. It involves making common cause with genuine democrats, whether socialist or not.
The present initiative has its roots in and has found a constituency through the Internet, especially the “blogosphere”. It is our perception, however, that this constituency is under-represented elsewhere — in much of the media and the other forums of contemporary political life.
The broad statement of principles that follows is a declaration of intent. It inaugurates a new Website, which will serve as a resource for the current of opinion it hopes to represent and the several foundation blogs and other sites that are behind this call for a progressive realignment.

Some main points:

  • Democracy and human rights for everyone, including brown people.
  • No apology for tyranny.
  • Economic development leading to greater freedom.
  • Opposing anti-Americanism.
  • Against racism, including anti-Semitism.
  • Opposing terrorism in all contexts.
  • Historical truth, especially about the Left.
  • Freedom of ideas, including criticism and mockery of any religion.

Orthografy Agen

It seemz straenj tw my dhat a foeneemik orthografy in Inglish iz seen az sien v a ridoosd intlekt. Ie think it’z far mor rashnl dhan dh kurent sistm, such az it iz. Dherfor, Ie prezent an eksrpt frum Robinsn Kroosoe:

Ie wuz born in dh yeer 1642, v a geud family, dhoe not v dhat kuntry, mie fodhr beeing a forinr v Bremen, hw setld first at Hull: hy got a geud estaet bie murchndies, and leeving off hiz traed, livd aftrwrdz at York; from wens hy had meryd mie mudhr, hwz relaeshnz wur naemd Robinsn, a very geud family in dhat kuntry, and frum hwm Ie wuz kold Robinsn Kroytznaer, but, bie dh uezhl korupshn v wrdz in Ingland, wy r nou kold, nae wy kol ourselvz, and riet, our naem Kroosoe; and so mie kumpanynz olwaez kold my.
Ie had too eldr brudhrz, wun v hwm wuz leftenent-kurnl tw an Inglish rejiment v feut in Flandrz, formrly kumandd bie dh faemus Kurnl Lokhart, and wuz killd at dh batl nyr Dunkurk ugenst dh Spanyrdz. Wut bykaem v mie seknd brudhr Ie nevr neuw, eny mor dhan mie fodhr or mudhr did noew wut wuz bykum v my.
Bying dh third sun v dh family, and not bred tw eny traed, mie hed bygan tw by fild very urly with rambling thotz: mie fodhr, hw wuz very aenshnt, had givn my a kompetent sher v lurning, az far az hous-ejukaeshn and a kuntry free skool generly go, and deziend my for dh lo; but Ie weud by satisfied with nuthing but goeing tw see; and mie inklinaeshn tw dhis led my soe strongly, ugenst ol dh entreetyz and purswaezhnz v mie mudhr and udhr frendz, dhat dher seemd tw by sumthing faetl in dhat propenshn v naechr, tending durektly tw dh lief v mizry wich wuz tw byfol my.

Bush Was Right

Captain’s Quarters has had three separate translations of an Iraqi government document from 2001 made. They all agree: Saddam Hussein was recruiting suicide bombers to target American interests. This means that the invasion of Iraq was an essential part of combatting terrorism, not some kind of sideline.

In the Name of God the Merciful The Compassionate
Top Secret
The Command of Ali Bin Abi Taleb Air Force Base
No 3/6/104
Date 11 March 2001
To all the Units
Subject: Volunteer for Suicide Mission
The top secret letter 2205 of the Military Branch of Al Qadisya on 4/3/2001 announced by the top secret letter 246 from the Command of the military sector of Zi Kar on 8/3/2001 announced to us by the top secret letter 154 from the Command of Ali Military Division on 10/3/2001 we ask to provide that Division with the names of those who desire to volunteer for Suicide Mission to liberate Palestine and to strike American Interests and according what is shown below to please review and inform us.
Air Brigadier General
Abdel Magid Hammot Ali
Commander of Ali Bin Abi Taleb Air Force Base
Air Colonel
Mohamad Majed Mohamadi.

There’s much more in this vein, documenting multiple contacts and collaboration between Saddam and Al-Qa`ida, as well as active Chemical and Nuclear weapons groups as late as 2030, translated by one Joseph Shahda.

Run, Do Not Walk…

To your local bookstore, and grab a copy of His Majesty’s Dragon. Lately I’ve been pretty jaded with fantasy — I just avoid that section of my local megabookstore. But I read a glowing review at SF Site, and decided to try it out.

It’s jaw-dropping amazing. Such glorious, glorious fun. It’s set England during the Napoleonic Wars. To say it’s reminiscent of Patrick O’Brian or Jane Austen seems at first almost faint praise, because it really stands on its own, but what else could you compare it to but to the masterpieces of the genre?

So go out and snatch a copy from the fast-diminishing stock, and prepare yourself for tall ships, iron men, high seas and billowing clouds, green fields dotted with sheep around stately manor houses, crinoline and lace and leather and gunpower, slow bows and sharp blows, the steady watch of weather-beaten souls in the narrow channel that holds back the dreams of an Emperor, fireworks and music on the water.

And . . . here there be dragons.